Firmware for Prusa I3 Pro W

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Firmware for Prusa I3 Pro W

Post by Vega2000 » Mon Apr 02, 2018 4:05 pm

Hello, I am trying to make the latest version of Marlin work, the 1.1.8 and the truth is that I can not get it to work, I only get it to move correctly with version 1.0.04 that is downloaded from EasyPrint3D, but still I can not get it to print Well, it only prints me by the Repetier-Host and of this quality, with the EasyPrint3D directly it does not print me, the printer is connected but it does not do anything, and with the Cura he always prints it out of the platform, having activated that he always prints in the center of this,
Someone could help me..?

Hola, estoy intentando hacer funcionar la ultima versión del Marlin, la 1.1.8 y la verdad que no consigo que funcione, solo consigo que se mueva correctamente con la versión 1.0.04 que se descarga del EasyPrint3D, pero aun así no consigo que imprima bien, solo me imprime por el Repetier-Host y de esta calidad, con el EasyPrint3D directamente no me imprime, se conecta la impresora pero no hace nada, y con el Cura siempre me lo imprime fuera de la plataforma, teniendo activado que siempre imprima en el centro de esta,
Alguien me podría ayudar..?
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Re: Firmware for Prusa I3 Pro W

Post by William » Mon Apr 02, 2018 8:42 pm

1.Check the belt of Y axis and Z axis|
2.Check the wiring of the mainboard
If it is allowed, you can upload the picture of the wiring
3.You can try to check the temp of the nozzle
For PLA:180C~220c
4.You can refer to these post
-Keep your mind and try to test it. :)
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Re: Firmware for Prusa I3 Pro W

Post by Shuflie » Sun Apr 08, 2018 7:14 am

Looks to me like you have under extrusion and the prints are not sticking to the bed.

For the under extrusion try increasing your nozzle temperature, go for about 210 to 215 for PLA to start with and work down until you see a degradation in print quality. Also if you are printing at 70 - 80 mm/s slow down your print speed to 30 -35 mms and see if that helps.

For the not sticking to the bed there are a number of different things to try, but the easiest to do is make sure the bed is properly levelled and at the right height for the nozzle, adjust the corner screws until a single sheet of paper just about fits under the nozzle without you putting any pressure on the bed. Give the glass a good clean with IPA or mentholated spirits and heat it to around 60 deg C for PLA. If you are printing something without much surface to contact the bed use a brim to help with adhesion.

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Re: Firmware for Prusa I3 Pro W

Post by keyser187 » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:51 pm

You can also try to slow down first layer speed to about 15mms, helps a lot.

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