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Canon Printer Ink Cartridge Issue

Posted: Thu May 26, 2022 11:11 pm
by gray6
Hey all! We recently purchased a printer (type ts3522 Canon I suppose) and needed some new ink cartridges.

Looking up our ink cartridge type online the 245 version pops up first and we assume it's the one to get, and we search on eBay for a better deal. Found one and bought some, fits perfectly but it doesn't recognize it. States it being an error.

We worry, then realized the printer came with a 275 ink cartridge. The numbers were different but the size was the same.

Should the 245 work with the printer or do we need the 275? We're fuzzy on printer stuff and honestly nothing online is giving a cohesive answer other than replace it with the old, wait, then change them out again.

This will help my SO with his worries over purchasing the wrong product. Google can suggest some misleading stuff sometimes.

Thank you!